CMS Home Inspection performs functional septic inspections for potential home buyers and property owners across the state of Rhode Island. Identifying potential issues within septic systems serves as an important step of the home buying process. This stage of a home inspection further educates any interested parties, and enables consumers to avoid surprising and costly repairs after closing. When you need to identify systems issues, inspections and regular maintenance are crucial to the integrity of your septic system.
Understanding the Septic System
The septic system of a home serves as an on-site sewerage system, consisting of a tank, distribution box, and a drain field. This septic tank acts as a holding tank for the home’s sewerage, which allows it to break down into “effluent”, before flowing into the drain field. Once a real estate transaction is complete, the new homeowner will be solely responsible for the periodic maintenance and repair of this private sewerage system.
Making an Informed Decision
Are you in the process of buying a Rhode Island home? Home inspections serve as a normal part of the purchase process, including a functional inspection of the septic system. CMS Home Inspection performs functional inspections in an effort to evaluate the current condition of a septic system, in order to educate interested buyers on issues and damage that may require repair.
Should You Have a Septic Inspection?
When buying a piece of real estate, a functional inspection of the septic system serves as a crucial step in the purchase process. During a real estate transaction, functional inspections protect potential buyers from unidentified issues regarding the septic system. This type of inspection is typically offered during a home inspection, by performing a hydraulic load test.
Maintaining Septic Systems
Because the home’s septic serves as a private sewerage system, the homeowner or potential buyer is solely responsible for any preventative maintenance and resulting repairs. Although homeowners insurance may offer some coverage with limitations, it’s important to understand what your policy provides by contacting them directly.
Did you know a failing system tends to cost tens of thousands of dollars to replace? Septic inspections play a vital role in the identification of issues and damage typically undetectable at the surface. This information better enables consumers to make an informed decision surrounding their potential real estate purchase.
How often should maintenance inspections be performed?
Septic system inspections are not just limited to real estate transactions. CMS Home Inspection also performs maintenance inspections on septic systems. Depending on the size of your septic tank and household occupancy, an inspection should be scheduled every 3 to 5 years.
What happens if I don’t have my septic inspected?
When septic testing goes forgotten, homeowners tend to encounter major issues including septic system leakage, wastewater backing up into toilets, poor water drainage, improper water level, and more. Inspectors can also help you determine whether septic pumping is necessary to your property.